

SJA Consultancy can provide Advocacy services for organisations such as Local Authorities on behalf of Looked After Children, Care Leavers, and young people in custodial settings (young offenders institutions, secure training centres and secure children’s homes).

Advocacy empowers children and young people by enabling them to have a voice, particularly in relation to decisions that are being made that will affect them.

Advocacy support can also help children and young people to participate in decision-making forums involving professionals. It is also helpful in preventing and resolving disputes between young people and the Local Authority.

SJA Consultancy is also able to provide Advice and Advocacy services to private individuals in a variety of situations pertaining to safeguarding, private and public law amongst other things. Please note that there may be some situations where Advocacy cannot be provided to private individuals however this can be discussed in more depth during the initial consultation.

“I have worked with Samantha Ashley on two separate occasions. I have found her to be highly professional, very efficient and thorough. She always puts the child at the centre of her work and is determined to achieve the best outcome for that child. Samantha is also approachable, friendly and easy to work with.” Yvonne O’Brien

Deputy Head and Designated Safeguarding Lead, Bensham Manor School