About Us

Samantha Ashley

Samantha Ashley

Safeguarding Consultant and Independent Social Worker

Since 2013 SJA Consultancy has been providing Safeguarding Consultancy and Independent Social Work services on behalf of a range of clients including Local Authorities, charities, fostering agencies and private individuals. I pride myself in providing services that are delivered in a professional manner.

SJA’s Core Values

I am committed to:


  • Being child-focused in relation to assessments and interventions involving children and making decisions based upon what is in their best interests. I also make it my duty to practice in accordance with the 1989 Children Act and believe that the welfare of the child is paramount.
  • Advocacy and empowerment for disadvantaged and vulnerable groups to ensure that their voice is heard.
  • Providing a service that gives value for money.
  • Being professional and having integrity.
  • Having regard for equal opportunities and acting in accordance with legislation.
  • Being open an honest with those who commission my services and only undertaking work that falls within my areas of expertise.


With more than 15 years experience working within the social care field, my experience has included working within the youth justice system, children’s social care, early intervention, parenting assessments and intervention and family support.

I have a Certificate in Managing Care (management qualification). I hold a BA Hons in Law with French and a MA in Youth Justice, Probation & Applied Criminology. I also have a BA Hons in Social Work.

I have worked within Children and Families for a number of years before and after qualifying as a Social Worker and my experience also includes working within the criminal justice system where I prepared a range of court reports for both youth and crown courts and also parole reports for consideration by The Parole Board.

My also experience includes preparation of assessments and statements in care proceedings and working with Looked After Children. I am also trained to deliver the Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities evidence-based parenting programme.

Contact SJA Consultancy Today

Please get in touch to discuss your needs.