About Us
Samantha Ashley
Safeguarding Consultant and Independent Social Worker
Since 2013 SJA Consultancy has been providing Safeguarding Consultancy and Independent Social Work services on behalf of a range of clients including Local Authorities, charities, fostering agencies and private individuals. I pride myself
I am committed to:
- Being child-focused in relation to assessments and interventions involving children and making decisions based upon what is in their best interests. I also make it my duty to practice in accordance with the 1989 Children Act and believe that the welfare of the child is paramount.
- Advocacy and empowerment for disadvantaged and vulnerable groups to ensure that their voice is heard.
- Providing a service that gives value for money.
- Being professional and having integrity.
- Having regard for equal opportunities and acting in accordance with legislation.
- Being open an honest with those who commission my services and only undertaking work that falls within my areas of expertise.
I have a Certificate in Managing Care (management qualification). I hold a BA Hons in Law with French and a MA in Youth Justice, Probation & Applied Criminology. I also have a BA Hons in Social Work.
My also experience includes preparation of assessments and statements in care proceedings and working with Looked After Children. I am also trained to deliver the Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities evidence-based parenting programme.
Contact SJA Consultancy Today
Please get in touch to discuss your needs.